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Spade pointed top with wooden handle D
7,60 €
 / ks
excl. VAT

Logistic package price: 45,60 € excl. VAT

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Počas práce v záhrade, keď dôjde na výkopové práce, môžete sa spoľahnúť na tento rovný rýľ zo sklolaminátu s násadou v tvare písmena D, ktorá vám... full description
Cat. number: 211722
EAN code: 8585023362103
weight: 1,54 kg (package 9,24 kg)
Logistické balenie: 6 ks
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11,50 €
 / ks
excl. VAT

Logistic package price: 69,00 € excl. VAT

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-We assemble the product -In the case of ordering a larger number of pieces, it is possible to delay the delivery of the order.
Cat. number: 211187
weight: 2,3 kg
M. unit: ks
Logistické balenie: 5 ks
10,00 €
 / ks
excl. VAT

Logistic package price: 50,00 € excl. VAT

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-We assemble the product -In the case of ordering a larger number of pieces, it is possible to delay the delivery of the order.
Cat. number: 211057
weight: 2,3 kg
M. unit: ks
Logistické balenie: 5 ks
10,00 €
 / ks
excl. VAT

Logistic package price: 50,00 € excl. VAT

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9,00 €
 / ks
excl. VAT

Logistic package price: 54,00 € excl. VAT

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-We assemble the product -In the case of ordering a larger number of pieces, it is possible to delay the delivery of the order.
Cat. number: 211459
weight: 2,3 kg
M. unit: ks
Logistické balenie: 5 ks
9,50 €
 / ks
excl. VAT

Logistic package price: 47,50 € excl. VAT

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-We assemble the product -In the case of ordering a larger number of pieces, it is possible to delay the delivery of the order.
Cat. number: 211688
weight: 2,3 kg
M. unit: ks
Logistické balenie: 5 ks
9,80 €
 / ks
excl. VAT

Logistic package price: 49,00 € excl. VAT

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-We assemble the product -In the case of ordering a larger number of pieces, it is possible to delay the delivery of the order.
Cat. number: 211359
weight: 2,3 kg
M. unit: ks
Logistické balenie: 5 ks
10,30 €
 / ks
excl. VAT

Logistic package price: 51,50 € excl. VAT

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Počas práce v záhrade, keď dôjde na výkopové práce, môžete sa spoľahnúť na tento rovný rýľ zo sklolaminátu s násadou v tvare písmena D, ktorá vám vďaka svojej ergonomickej rukoväti dobre padne do ruky a uľahčí prácu.

7,60 €
 / ks
excl. VAT

Logistic package price: 45,60 € excl. VAT

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